Libravatar Logo

Libravatar ("Libre Avatar") is a free service and an open specification for hosting profile images tied to email or OpenID addresses.

In order to have your photo displayed next to your posts and comments on sites which support Libravatar you can either create an account with us or run your own node of the federated avatar network.


Inspired by the elegant solution pioneered by Gravatar, Libravatar takes a federated approach to the problem and allows domain owners to specify the server that should host images for their organisation.


Because the libravatar service is entirely powered by Free and Open Source Software, you are more than welcome to join the project and run your own instance.


We value your privacy and freedom which is why we are committed to delivering our service using a freedom-respecting infrastructure.

The contents of this wiki is licensed under your choice of the GNU Affero GPL version 3 or later, or the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license.